Concord Academy Fundraiser

Concord Academy Fundraiser
If there’s one thing that the students at Concord Academy (CA) love, it’s good food and a great cause! The Kids Connect Club at CA held several food sales throughout the 2012-2013 school year, including bake sales, a pizza sale, and two donut sales. All the sales were very successful, raising more than $234 over the course of the school year and lots of interest in World Connect’s work. The math was simple: take a group of kids who are excited to support a great cause and add it with a group of hungry students and teachers, notify the whole school with emails, and you get a successful fundraiser! Some were so eager to support World Connect that they made donations without taking any food.


The pizza sale, the club’s first fundraiser ever, took place one afternoon after classes were over. It raised over $120 and provided the students of CA with the energy they needed to get through their sports, dance classes, theatre rehearsals, and lots of homework. Each of the donut sales took place in the morning and we sold out of donuts within the first five minutes! The students were both eager to help out and to enjoy a sweet snack before heading off to their second class of the day. For the bake sales, CA’s Kids Connect Club partnered with CASA, or the Concord Academy Students in Action Club, to sell cookies and brownies. CASA was very interested in World Connect and decided to donate the proceeds of two of their weekly bake sales to World Connect.


In Spring 2013, after a school year’s worth of fundraisers, we chose to donate our funds to the Enhancing Rural Education project in the Dominican Republic. As a club whose leaders and participants are all students, education is important to us, which is why we chose an education-focused project. We have great opportunities at Concord Academy and we want to do what we can to give other kids and teens those opportunities. Next year, we plan to raise even more money to support an education-based project for kids. We hope to communicate with the Peace Corps Volunteer and the kids the project supports during the project’s implementation so we can see who and how our money has helped!


- Chloë, Concord Academy ’15


"Fundraising this year showed me how easy it really can be to make a difference, no matter how small. Charities and other organizations often show big numbers to show the large scale of their work, but this can make helping seem daunting. However, those numbers only get so large because of every individual contribution, like the money we raised this year. We raised the money in short increments, and yet we made several hundred dollars. It is inspiring to know that I can, and have, made a difference." – Chloë Concord Academy ’15


"Helping to spread awareness and fundraise for World Connect this year was a truly great and eye-opening experience. I'm hoping to continue with World Connect next year and learn more about the wonderful workings of the program itself." – Autumn Concord Academy ‘15


"It was a great experience to learn about - and help execute - the goals of World Connect in such a fun way!" – Claire Concord Academy ‘15

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