The Brearley School
The Brearley School is an all-girls private school in Manhattan, New York. For their first time participating in our Kids Connect program, students decided to support our Secondary School Dormitories project, which built a dormitory at a secondary school in Tanzania, providing a safe place for students to stay overnight. Without the dormitory, students had to walk an average of 1 hour and 30 minutes on unmarked and dangerous paths. To support the project, students at Brearley held a class carnival where they raised an amazing $7,000 in support of students in Tanzania, a new record for our Kids Connect program!
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Pinewood Helps #StopPneumonia
The Junior High Student Council at Pinewood School in Los Altos Hills, CA conducted two bake war competitions, one in the Fall of 2018 and one in the Spring of 2019, to raise money for World Connec... ...Learn more
Chapin helps clean up Ghana
The Chapin Upper School in New York, NY made and sold bracelets in the Fall of 2019 to raise money for World Connect!
Raising a total of $459 for the Learn more
Fall Festival Fundraiser
This year the Wayland High School Kids Connect Club participated in Wayland High School's Fall Festival. Our club set up a booth for donut eating contests that raised $326. This festival takes place a... ...Learn more
Bay View Academy Coffee House Fundraiser
Coffee House is a great way for kids with particular talents, such as dancing, singing or paying an instrument, to perform in front of a large group of people. Coffee House is run by the Mercy Action ... ...Learn more