Rural Android (RuDroid) Women

Year: 2017
Country: Cameroon
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $2,500.00

Project Launch: 12-13-17

Rural Android Women (RuDroid) is a digital empowerment project aimed at erecting infrastructure (Community Cyber Café) in rural communities in order to support community access to the Internet, with a special focus on linking women and girls to the online world. The women and girls of Zangtembeng Village will learn how to use a computer and digital phones to empower themselves through the marketing of their farm products, promotion of their small businesses, and the development of online presences for their enterprises. They will also use these new resources to apply for seed funding and scholarships. This project interation will support the larger RuDroid initiative which will document participants, share their stories, and promote digital empowerment to inspire a new generation of rural women and girls.

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