Mutoma Girls Dormitory Project
Project Launch:
A typical student at Mutoma Secondary School wakes up at 3:30 am everyday for school. She attempts to study for an hour, only if paraffin (kerosene) is available to light the lantern. She then begins cleaning the house, making breakfast for the rest of her family, and fetches water from the closest stream for her family. At around 5:00 AM she sets off in the dark to reach school at 6:45 AM. She cuts through sugar cane fields, which is very dangerous, to ensure she gets to school on time. Once school closes at 5 PM she arrives home around 7pm. However, along the way older men and boys seek her attention putting her at risk for abuse or violence. Once the girl arrives home, she fetches firewood to begin preparing dinner. Once dinner is finished around 8pm she cleans the dishes and then attempts to study, again if paraffin is available to study that night. At around 10 pm she goes to sleep.
The Mutoma Girls Dormitory Project aims to reach the at-risk girls in the Mutoma community. Many of the girls in the community are subjected to abuse at home, forced into early marriages, sexually exploited, and are at high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. These girls have a great desire to finish school but find it very difficult. By building a dormitory at the school, more girls will enroll at the school and fewer girls will drop out, due to the school’s ability to provide a safe education environment. In addition, the girls will receive three meals a day, which will improve their health and concentration at school. Post-construction, the Mutoma Secondary School will be able to register for boarding school status and be eligible for more funding from the Kenyan government.
Project Update
Construction of the dorm is going well. The roof was recently installed and a few finishing touches remain before the dorm is fully operational.
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