Located in the desert coast of Peru in the community Villa Rotary Nueva Esperanza there is a school for the local children run by a group of innovative directors. The directors are constantly looking for ways to help their curious and motivated students succeed in their studies as well as living healthy and happy lives on a daily basis. The directors and teachers hold after school tutorials for math and science as well as theater clubs for the students. Apart from classes, they started a program to supply local fresh milk and have six cows stabled on school grounds. They also had a community garden project that failed in the past due to the lack of adequate fences and a watering system. With a grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program in 2011, the school and the children built a protected community garden that became their agricultural classroom. The garden teaches the children about the process of planting and harvesting and all of the care required for a successful garden. Efficient drip irrigation was utilized to demonstrate to the children how conservation of natural resources is smart and responsible and can provide big harvests. The children got hands on experience of the joy of gardening as well as the opportunity to bring home the actual nutritious fruits and vegetables of their labor to their families.
The organization's mission is to support children in their studies, stand up for children's rights in school, and to connect with the teachers and the principal to ensure children are receiving a qual... ...Learn more
The organization's mission is to support children in their studies, stand up for children's rights in school, and to connect with the teachers and the principal to ensure children are receiving a qual... ...Learn more