Women's Group Manages Very First Kitchen
Project Launch: 1-10-17
A women-led 15 member economic cooperative in Southern Costa Rica has spent over six years selling agricultural wares at a local community market. As the group has grown, so have its ambitions. This project seeks the purchase of cooking supplies, food service materials, and a microwave so the cooperative can operate its own kitchen to serve food to patrons at the community market. The revenues from the operation will allow members to earn a profit and grow their enterprise over the course of the next year.
Project Update: 5-9-17
Almost all of the items have been purchased. Since purchasing new items for the women's kitchen, productivity and efficiency has improved immensely. A new shelving system has been completed and installed, now providing the women more space to cook, prepare food, and organize their kitchen materials.
Final Report: 2-5-18
The cooperative purchased various items for their kitchen project in San Vito that has helped them increase their professional appearance and the capacity of their organization. Women received individual training on budgeting and business organization.