Chinduzi Health Post House Project
Project Launch: 10-7-21
Chipamba Community in Traditional Authority Sitola, in Machinga District, Southern Region of Malawi will use $7,960.31 to construct a staff house, a toilet and kitchen for the Health Surveillance Assistant(HSA) at Chinduzi Health Post. The facilities will allow the HSA to stay at the clinic and timely provide primary health care services to women and children thereby reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates in the area. Through this project, 2,004 children and 2,747 women of childbearing age are assured of continued access to family planning, prenatal, post-natal and under-five health services. The Health post will also stand a greater chance of being upgraded to a full health center thereby impacting more lives in the area as services get expanded.
Project Update: 12-31-21
In this phase II project, Clean Energy Engineering is using the $7,960.31 World Connect investment to construct a house and outdoor toilet for a health services provider to reside at the health post. The construction of the house walls has been completed, window and door frames have been installed. To complete the project, roofing, plastering, installation of windows and doors, painting, and flooring are what remains. Once the health service provider starts to reside at the center, the health post will open daily and be accessible even at night to patients as opposed to being open once a week with limited services as is the case now. Mrs. Malunga a resident of the area comments, “The coming in of this health post has been of a great importance to us as women and we have experienced a greater change with it and now this house will ensure that we have the attention we need always and that means us women will have all the medical attention we need.’’
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