Women's Group Greenhouse
Project Launch:
Las Nubes de los Chiles is a small town of about 400 people about an hour from the border of Nicaragua. The town was founded in 1991 initially as a squatter settlement. The majority of adults have a 6th grade education or less, and most families spend their days planting yucca, beans, corn or other vegetables. Unfortunately, they often do not produce enough crops to feed their families and rarely produce enough to sell crops for profit.
The goal of this project is to build a community greenhouse, managed by the local women's group, to diversify agricultural output and to improve nutrition in the community while also generating income to be shared amongst local families. Importantly, the community greenhouse will be fed water from an irrigation system, which will be constructed in partnership with agricultural experts from the local government and from a local technical university.
"As a result of this project, these women have a place that not only will hopefully generate income, but will provide a space for them to meet, become more united and learn new techniques in order to bring healthy and fresh vegetables and herbs to their families and the community at large." - Adriana, Peace Corps Volunteer
"Before this project, we had been planting vegetables but we didn't have a well built structure, it had deteriorated, we weren't working well together. Now after this project we meet a lot more frequently, we've tried to better ourselves and we are more unified." - Sonia, Project Leader
"Before we made a greenhouse out of tree posts and the greenhouse would quickly break down, now we have one made out of PVC and it will last us much longer. Now we are better organized to work, and the women are showing a lot of interest in the project." - Lidieth, Project Beneficiary
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