Women Empowerment for Equitable Development

Year: 2020
Country: Nigeria
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $3,750.00

Project Launch: 12-1-20

In Kabala Doki, a packet of 8 pads from regular brands cost approximately $1 USD, which is more than the daily income of many women living in abject poverty. Commercial pads are too expensive for most underprivileged school girls and young women living in the area, and those who cannot afford the sanitary pads must opt for cotton wool, tissue paper, and rags, and in extreme circumstances, reusing used pads from dump sites. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased ecomonic hardship in the area and the vulnerability of financially dependent girls and women, creating a spike in menstrual poverty that affects girls' learning days in school. This project aims to address the intersectional issues of menstrual hygiene, education gender gaps, and financial security by teaching women and girls how to make reusable sanitary pads and soaps. As women and girls learn these skills and apply them to create their own small businesses, sanitary pads and soaps will become more accessible to the community, increasing hygiene and school attendance rates, while supporting the women's financial independence.

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