Water for Kalima: Supplemental Budget
Project Launch: 9-5-19
This extension project will enable Phata Community Based Organization boost the piping of treated water from Ilovo Sugar company through dthe established pipe network to the installed 10000 liters tanks. As a results water pressure will increase allowing 3500 people oin Kalima to continue accessing clean and safe water without interaptions. The project will reduce congestion currently being experienced at all the nine water points due to low water pressure. Finally, this grant will allow community members to construct sanitatory spaces in all water points.
Project Update: 9-10-19
Through additional funding the Water for Kalima Project Managed to procure and install water booster pump at Illovo treatment plant which drastically increased water. Water was now filling up the tanks and also flowing well to all the nine taps. All the targeted people have gained access to safe and clear water reducing the challenges they used to face.
Final Report: 1-31-20
Trencio Kandinga, an engineer and a Young African Leader Initiative Regional Leadership Center Fellow worked with Phata Community Based Organization (CBO) in his home village to provide first time access to clean and safe water to over 3,497 people out of whom 1,992 are women and girls. With a total of $9,189.61 grant from World Connect and extensive participation of Kalima village community members, Phata CBO has installed two water tanks holding up to 10,000 liters that feeds nine taps in six villages. Being a flood prone area, many people were affected by cholera and waterborne diseases. Since the installation of this water system, not a single case has been reported. Furthermore, as women and children do not have to collect water from river banks, there have been no deaths by crocodiles, which were previously common. As part of sustainability, each household contributes K500 ($0.68) per month. Using this money, the local committee has extended water access to five more communities by building five taps thereby expanding reach and access to more people. This development has reduced time and distance women used to cover to fetch water, allowing them to have more time for other income generating activities.