Takondwa Club Tailoring Project
Project Launch: 8-5-20
The Takondwa Club, a community organization, will set up a tailoring shop in the Mkwachi community in order to generate income among group members and alleviate poverty. This World Connect grant will support the Club in facilitating buisness management and group dynamics trainings, establishing market linkages, and procuring sewing machines. The group will then launch their business, sewing and selling clothes, curtains, uniforms, and other products. This training will benefit the 15 group members, their 70 family members, and customers in the area.
Project Update: 11-30-20
Using the $3,157.53 grant from World Connect, Ulala Kondowe a third time grantee of World Connect has implemented a Covd-19 response project in Mpemba Blantyre, targeting three (3) villages, and two (2) schools. The project has purchased and distributed 45 hand-washing stations stands, 45 water buckets, 50 t-shirts and printed placards as information dissemination channels. Using relevant stakeholders such as chiefs, the project has managed to reach out to over 450 households. Through the two (2) schools, the project reached out to a combined total of about 2,342 students. The t-shirts and the banner printed all have messages on how the virus spreads and how one can minimize the spread by adhering to the preventive measures recommended by the World Health Organization and Ministry of Health in Malawi. In total the project is expected to reach out to 4,382 people from 821 households from the three (3) villages.
Final Report: 1-31-22
Takondwa Club in Mkwachi village Nkhatabay district has successfully trained 12 women in tailoring and designing using the $1,667.65 World Connect grant. The project procured 6 sewing machines which were used during the training sessions. The group has made over $620 from selling masks and other apparels. A part of the profit made was reinvested into the business to maximize profits and the other part was loaned to some of the club members. Over 100 people from the community have benefited from sewing the tailoring services offered by Takondwa Club. The women will still continue to undergo training through the help of their professional trainer recognized by the Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training (TEVET) so that they continue perfecting their skills.
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