Sustaining Gains Against Early Forced Marriages in Fishing Communities
Project Launch: 12-31-19
This vocational taining project will benefit 32 girls withdrawn from early forced marriages. Participants will be trained in hairdressing, textile and design, business and entrepreneurship, life skills, and record keeping. Upon successful completion of the training, the participants will be provided with start-up tools and materials to establish group businesses. The community organization will assist in strengthening the groups by training the participants in group dynamics, mentorship and coaching, financial literacy, village savings and loans, and self-help initiatives. The project will enable the girls to build financial independence which will reduce their returning to abusive relationships for financial support.
Project Update: 4-27-20
Since the commencement of the project, the Foundation for Community and Capacity Development has enrolled 32 girls in the vocational training program. Two trainers are teaching 17 girls hairdressing and 15 girls tailoring and design. The girls have demonstrated their skills and there are frequent customers visiting the center. Business management skills, entrepreneurship, life skills, and group dynamics are also being taught to support the girls in creating their own businesses. Already, five salons have been established by those enrolled.
Final Report: 1-31-21
Foundation for Community and Capacity Development has through the Sustaining Gains Against Early Forced Marriages Project equipped 32 girls who were withdrawn from early marriages with vocational skills in hairdressing and tailoring and design to advance self employment. Seventeen (17) girls were trained in hairdressing and 15 in textile and design. The girls have demonstrated increased knowledge and skills in the trades offered through their ability to attract more customers to the centre. The girls were also provided with extra studies in business management, financial management, and group dynamics to enhance their understanding and running of a business. From this project 10 business groups have been established with membership of 2-3 girls and start-up kits were distributed to the groups which has enabled them to run their business. Spot checks on their business show that girls are now independent making up to $300 per month from their locally established businesses. The girls are using the income to support themselves and their children. According to the girls, this project is life changing.
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