Remera Community's Potato Farming Project
Project Launch: 1-17-17
Remera is composed of 143 households. The limited arable land, situated upon rocky soil, cannot effectively support the population leading to food insecurity. Most community members do not possess an adequate amount of land to feed their families and as a result are only able to eat once a day or once every two days. Due to these challenges, the community has decided start a community potato farming project. This project will provide funds the community will use to purchase additional nearby viable land, potato seeds, and manure. With increased health and household income generated from potato harvesting, the community will set itself on the path to pursue other development initiatives and increase quality of life.
Final Report: 6-6-17
In December 2016, the Remera community harvested 5,738 kilograms of potatoes. The potatoes were split into three sections: one meant to sell and cultivate seeds from, one meant for consumption, and one meant for funding community items. The community has been able to rent two parcels of land, currently being used for potato cultivation. In February 2017, the community started a savings and loan association whereby every community member pays 500 francs (about $0.60) per month. Community members are using loans to meet some of their basic needs such as paying health insurance, school fees, and other critical household materials. The loans will also help community members initiate communal independent projects. Seasonal challenges, such as drought, led to a difficult first potato cultivation season. However, the wheat harvests and second potato harvest were both successes, enabling the community to keep working on the project with the two parcels of land being used by the community now. The project met its goals of food security and increased community cohesion, capacity and advocacy within the local government. The community harvested about 6 tons, allowing feasible future crop growing. Furthermore, they can now store their own high quality seeds, creating future resources for the community in times of risk. Now, 70% of community members eat twice per day, compared to a baseline of 30%.
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