Rehab & Therapy Groups for Cambodian Children with Disabilities
Project Launch: 7-1-16
Safe Haven is a Cambodian NGO dedicated to providing education, resources and support for children with disabilities and medical issues in Siem Reap. Safe Haven currently provides individualized home-based therapy sessions as well as nutritional supplements, wheelchairs, and walkers to support children's mobility and health. This project will enhance Safe Haven’s programming by creating group therapy sessions, which will allow disabled children and their caregivers from rural communities an open and safe space to share their experiences with others. By having group therapy, these families will feel less isolated and begin to create an open discourse on available resources and opportunities for their children. This project will supplement the amazing efforts being achieved on the national level to provide disabled children in Cambodia equal access to healthcare, education, and all other opportunities.
Progress Update: 3/7/2017
Safe Haven has hosted and facilitated nine therapeutic small groups. There have been 32 unduplicated attendees representing 12 different families. The largest group had 17 people attending, while the lowest attendance was six people. Two groups have been observed by visiting volunteers who were at Safe Haven to provide staff training. With families' permission, the volunteers sat at the edge of the room and observed the activities, later providing feedback to staff about what they saw. Feedback was quite positive, and suggestions were also made for additional activities.
"As the Director, I have limited opportunity for client contact because I rarely make home visits any longer. Being able to witness the groups in the office and see the staff and families interacting provided a wonderful opportunity for me to assess staff's clinical skills and provide them with feedback about their growing professionalism and expertise." - Jessica, Executive Director
"I feel very happy that I can help the families and so happy that World Connect can support us. The families enjoy the food and can eat better at home. The families have a chance to talk to each other and share their experience and they don't feel they are alone any more. The families can express their feelings to each other and the children and families all have fun together. Safe Haven is also helping the children be more confident to be with other children." - Sopheary, Project Leader
"Coming to group helps me reduce stress and feel less lonely. Safe Haven is a relaxing place for me. I hope the group can continue. I don't feel shy to share my experience with other families and I enjoy hearing about their experience, too." - Bopha, Project Participant
"I am so happy to come to the groups. Safe Haven is a safe place to share problems, my own problems and my child's problems." - Sovonna, Project Participant
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