Promotion Vivero Morochos

Year: 2014
Country: Ecuador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $365.00

Project Launch: 2-3-15

Vivero Morochos is a tree nursery in Morochos, Ecuador that supplies native trees and ornamental plants for purchase and reforestation. Vivero Morochos also participates in carbon credit offsets with a local development organization to reforest the mountains. The nursery employs local indigenous community members and benefits the community with partial profits from tree sales.


The nursery has a healthy supply and sustainable infrastructure but is lacking sales and return customers. This project will help boost attention in the region and contribute to further sales by training employees on proper marketing and promotion strategies. Employees will create promotional and educational materials such as brochures, business cards, fliers, a Facebook page, and a website.


Project Update

After completing marketing workshops, the employees designed promotional materials such as flyers, signs, business cards, a website and a Facebook page. Over the next few weeks, they will distribute flyers around the neighboring communities with the help of the town president. Vivero Morochos recently formed a partnership with the Morochos Tourism Committee, allowing the nursery to be one of the destinations on the tour, which will help bring more awareness and potential customers.


Project Update - 8/18/2016

The vivero posted a wooden advertisement in Cotacachi advertising the business as well as some of their specialty plants. Work continues in obtaining more customers in the region.



"This project has greatly helped the Vivero reach new markets and expand our commercial reach." - Peter, Project Participant

"My plants are like my children. I take care of them the best I can." - Elena, Project Participant

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