Neighborhood Health Committee Training

Year: 2015
Country: Zambia
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $401.45

Project Launch: 2-9-16

This project will lead to trainings to improve the capacity of Neighborhood Health Committees, which are responsible for providing health education and basic services at the household level in Kanona village. The trainings will focus on improving data collection, recordkeeping, village inspections and reporting, specifically related to infant health and nutrition programs.

Final Report: 4/23/16

The training was incredibly successful! Over four days, 19 health volunteers from the surrounding seven villages learned about water, sanitation, water-born diseases and malaria. They also explored strategies to efficiently collect and record data, as well as step-by-step guides on how to conduct village inspections. After the training, the top five candidates were chosen to attend a 6-week Community Health Worker (CHW) course offered by the District Health Office, providing an opportunity to become certified CHWs. Now, community members can receive treatment from skilled CHWs in their village instead of traveling long distances to the district health post.


"I have learned a lot about how to look after my home, my neighbors, and the environment. I have improved my knowledge in health issues. Before I was like a passenger, and today I am a driver." - Florence, Project Participant