Community Learning Center
Project Launch:
The village of N'Diott, Senegal does not possess a library. The community's middle school students, particularly its female students, do not have a location in which they can easily access information or study outside of lessons. Opportunities for girls in this area of Senegal have been generally limited with historical traditions dictating girls to marry and start families. However, in recent years, more community members have advocated for girls to receive an advanced education and pursue careers. The lack of a library inhibits these desires, however, as many female students do not have a space in which they can study adequately. This project proposes the construction of a community learning center and library space -- one designed with the needs of N'Diott's female students in mind.
Progress Update: 3/14/2017
All that remain to be purchased and installed are the roof, door, and window shutters. Community leaders are organizing funds to buy the materials and get them to the mason for installation. The community expects to have the building complete and ready for painting by the end of March.
"It's really amazing seeing the entire community come together for this great project which will aid them not only now but for the foreseeable future as well. Education is always sustainable and I'm happy to be a part of this." - Mackenzie, Peace Corps Volunteer
"The thing I'm most excited to see is the improvement in testing results and participation and confidence in not only the girls but all the students. If I can have quantitative improvements to report the Minister of Education and the community, people will get excited and want to continue helping our students reach their full potential." - Malick, Project Leader
"I'm most excited about this library because I heard we will have biographies of great women from all over the world. I want to read about their lives and learn how the achieved the things they have achieved so maybe I can be a great woman too someday." - Gorgoye, Project Participant
"The teachers are always referencing books we could read to supplement our studies but we have never actually had access to them. I'm hoping now I will be able to follow my interests in the sciences by reading for fun." - Rougui, Project Participant
"I live in neighboring village, but come here often. I'm going to purchase a library pass so I can improve my French and hopefully obtain a work visa to France so I can better aid the development of my community and livelihood of my friends and family." - Issaga, Project Participant
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