Mnyamata Tree Initiative
Project Launch: 8-21-17
Mwanza District in Southern Malawi has been affected by extreme weather events for the past several years. It has experienced droughts that have resulted in crop failure, an occurrence that has left most households food insecure. Local communities are dependent on rain-fed agriculture and these setbacks have forced most households to depend on relief handouts to survive.
This project proposes to engage local youth -- energetic and highly adaptable -- in climate action. 100 youths will be trained in climate change and adaptation technologies. The youth will raise 200,000 tree seedlings and establish 10 woodlots in areas that are experiencing chronic land degradation and require plant cover. The seedlings will also be used to reforest 10 fields belonging to selected vulnerable women to enhance soil fertility and improve long-term crop production.
Project Update: 1-24-18
The Mnyamata Tree Initiative identified three schools and three community groups in which to mobilize local youth. In December, it began training students in climate change science, forest ecology, and basic environmental principles. Groups are largely active. In the next phase of the project, project participants will work on sustaining their vigor and energy for the initiative over the long term. A number of environemental agency representatives and district delegates have pledged their support to the project.
Final Report: 9-17-18
65 youth were trained in climate change science, climate-smart agriculture, tree planting, and management. The initiative managed to reach more youth in 3 schools which were not in the initial plan. This expansion was achieved in a cost-efficient manner.
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