Literature Lessons
Project Launch:
Each year, Rwandan students take a national exam to determine if they will graduate from secondary school. Unfortunately, many of the required books for the exam’s literature focus are not accessible to students and teachers in rural areas, including at G.S. Bihembe, a 12-year day school in Eastern Province. This project will renovate the school’s library and stock it with new books, including required literature books. Additionally, literature teachers across the Nyakaliro Sector will visit the school and receive copies of lesson plans to incorporate the new books into their curriculum. The project seeks to improve the students' performance on their national exams and promote education and literacy within the community.
Project Update
The library has been stocked and reorganized and has been officially opened since March 31, 2016. Before it's inauguration, teachers from G.S. Bihembe created library rules and policies as well as designed a schedule for the library's operating hours. A local woman from the community was hired as a full-time librarian and will play an important role in the upkeep and sustainability of the library. To date, numerous teachers and students have been utilizing the library as well as incorporating literature lessons into the curriculum in preparation for the national exams scheduled for November 2016.
"I am a student at Groupe Scolaire Bihembe but I am also a mother. My daughter is 4 years old and I am happy to borrow children books from the library so that I can read to her. I think other parents in the community will be happy to have the opportunity to take these books home." - Mary, Project Participant
"I am a student in Senior 6 here at Groupe Scolaire Bihembe and I have used the library many times this term to help me in my studies. Many teachers they are so busy and it is not easy for them to find time to give us extra lessons or answer all questions we have. Now, we can do our own research in the library. It helps us improves our marks so much." - Habineza, Project Participant
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