Kakwale Youth Club Bee Keeping and Honey Processing Enterprise
Project Launch: 8-5-20
The Kakwale Youth Club will expand on an already existing beekeeping enterprise by installing 20 new beehives. They plant to establish a small scale honey processing and packaging factory shop where honey will be sold. The 18 club members have identified the 5,061 community members as potential customers for their products. With the potential of producing up to 1,050 liters of honey per year, the project will promote economic independence among the youth club members allowing them to pursue other business ventures and investments while at the same time contributing to forest conservation.
Project Update: 12-31-20
Kakwale Youth Club in Kakwale community, Kasungu district has with $2,607.23 in World Connect grant set up 11 (out of proposed 30) beehives in Chimaliro forest, four of which have already been colonized and completed construction of the honey processing and selling shelter. 24 active members of Kakwale Youth Club are expected to be direct beneficiaries while the entire community comprising about 5,000 people is expected to benefit indirectly by being active bee farmers selling their honey to the group or having their honey processed at a fee and selling themselves. The club is currently registering members depending on which category they want. Kakwale Club is setting itself up to be a leading honey processing and marketing cooperative in the area taking advantage of the many farmers that have for the past been discouraged to intensify honey farming due to lack of organized market.
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