Project Launch: 12-8-22
The project seeks to purchase and distribute 30 pigs to 30 out of 44 households on the Nkombo, Ishwa and Gihaya islands in lake Kivu which receive and take care of children under the age of 5 years as home-based early childhood development centers (ECDs) for half a day, 4-5 days a week while their mothers are out for work. The soils on the islands are depleted of fertility due to frequent cultivation and the pigs are expected to provide manure to these families so that they can grow vegetables to feed the children atleast 1 meal. A piglet pass-on program will be initiated once the pigs produce where a female piglet will be given to each of the remaining 14 households (home-based ECDs) as well as to the parents of the children so that they can all obtain manure from pig droppings and grow nutritious fruits and vegetables at their families. Each of the home-based ECDs receives and takes care of about 50 children per day. At the ECDs, children are safe, they have an opportunity to learn, play, eat and drink while their parents are out for work without worrying about childcare or leaving the child in the hands of elderly relatives with various risks.
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