I Am Capable (Ndili Ndikuthekela)
Project Launch: 7-31-20
The “I Am Capable (Ndili Nkuthekera)" project seeks to empower young women and girls to challenge stereotypes, negative gender social norms, and violence. The project will train 20 mentors and 50 teenagers in child protection, case management and psychosocial support, Gender-based Violence reporting, and COVID-19 prevention methods. The community organization aims to reduce the incidence of Gender-based violence by creating a safer space for young girls and boys to report their experiences and access resources.
Project Update: 12-17-20
I am capable (Ndili nkuthekera) project implemented by Healthwise, a young women led organization is aimed at empowering young women and girls to challenge stereotypes, negative gender social norms and any form of violence that impinge on their rights to attain quality and improved life. Through this project, Healthwise in consultation with community leaders selected and trained thirty (30) duty bearers for three days in COVID-19 prevention, management of reported gender based violence (GBV) cases as well as psychosocial counselling. Through these, the organization has sensitized 98 (27 women, 40 girls and 31 boys) community members on mechanisms and systems of reporting GBV cases within their community besides sensitizing over 400 community members in COVID-19 prevention strategies. Thirty-four (34) households within the project community have improvised hand washing facilities in their homes increasing chances of protecting themselves and their neighbours. In his words, Mr. Chandiyang’ana who is a member of the child protection said, “the project has helped us to have the right information on COVID 19, as well as given us guidance on how to identify gender based issues, child protection cases and manage reported cases”.
Final Report: 1-31-21
After receiving a $740 grant from World Connect, Tendai Chidzero from Healthwise led the people of Mtenje village in Bangwe township-Blantyre, to successfully complete implementation of the I Am Capable project aimed at reducing the spread and social impact of Coronavirus. Using the grant funds, the project trained 30 community stakeholders on COVID-19, case management and psychosocial counselling. As a result, 586 households depicted adoption and application of COVID-19 messages through establishment of handwashing facilities in their homes. During the project implementation, the team received 11 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) who received psychosocial counselling while six (6) of the cases were referred to the police, four (4) cases have been handled and closed against the reported six (6). Inorder to have wider coverage, a task force of peer educators comprising 15 members has been established and continues to reach out to 13 villages surrounding Mtenje raising awareness on GBV and COVID-19.
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