Health Post
Project Launch: 10-9-19
The Kalonjere Health Post project will construct a primary health care clinic to provide antenatal, post natal, and under-five services to women and children. A total of 7,809 community members from nine villages currently travel between 5-15 kilometers to access a health clinic. By having a clinic and services closer, there will be an increase in the number of women and children accessing vital care. The project is expected to increase health-seeking behavior and community savings, as there will be fewer costs and barriers to accessing care.
Project Update: 5-12-20
Construction of the Health Post project, implemented by Kabichi Skills Development Group, is 80% complete. With the roofing finished, the group with now work on the platering and flooring to complete the construction. With the main bridge and access point to the community being damaged, there have been delays in procuring materials. The community has pledged to fast track implementaiton once the road becomes passable again. To demonstrate their commitment to the community's continuous healht needs, they have already started providing clinic services, including weighing and growth monitoring of children under five. On a monthly basis, over 300 children are supported with basic services and treatments using what exists of the structure to date.
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