GS St. Bonaventure Classroom Libraries
Project Launch: 6-14-18
The primary goals of this project are to increase English language fluency and to promote a culture of literacy at GS Bonaventure. Using materials housed in classrooms, students will have the opportunity to read English language books and learn about how to utilize the libraries effectively. Teachers will make use of the libraries in their lessons and during instruction.
Final Report: 10-22-18
To date, 21 small locking bookshelves and over 1,000 English and Kinyarwanda children's books have been placed in all primary classrooms at our school. All primary teachers have been trained in the use of classroom libraries and ways to incorporate children's books into lesson plans. All primary students have been trained in the proper way to handle and treat books in the classroom library.
Right now, teachers and students are in the middle of completing the reading incentive program. In P1-P4, teachers must read 7 books aloud to their students in order for the class to receive a prize (a "Reading Party" with cookies for each student). In P5 and P6, students must read at least 5 books independently and write a small book report for each book in order to select a prize (a pen, notebook, piece of candy, or mathematical set). Several students have already met their reading goals and received their prizes.
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