Chikololere Village Well
Project Launch: 4-24-20
With a World Connect grant of $745, the Chikololere Community Based Organization will dig a shallow well and an Afri-Dev hand pump. At present, the Chikololere community uses salt water for household consumption. The shallow well will provide the community with access to potable water. Additionally, it will reduce the distance women travel to collect water, subsequently reducing the incidence of physical and sexual abuse. Over 500 people from Chikololere and the surrounding villages are expected to benefit from this project.
Project Update: 12-1-20
The Chikololere Village Community Based Organization has worked with its members to dig a thirteen meters deep well where they have now found enough water. Regardless of the challenges encountered, the CBO members are confident that once fitted with the pump, the well will help community members gain access to clean and safe water which has been a challenge for a long time. Community members have completed mobilizing community contributions which have seen them contribute bricks and sand for the construction of the apron and continues to provide food for the men digging the well despite the prolonged project timeline. 24 households comprising a total of 96 people are directly benefiting from the water source.
Final Report: 2-18-21
Using $745.89 World Connect grant, Chikololele Community Based organization (CBO) has completed the installation of a shallow well with an Afridev pump, bringing water to over 50 households who previously had to travel over 10kms to find water. The Community Organization procured an Afri-Dev pump, rods and pipes, cement, quarry stones and soft wire for use in the construction of the shallow well while the community successfully dug a 25 meters’ well.. To ensure sustainability of the project, seven (7) members of the CBO went through a one-day training where they were taught how to maintain and manage the well by the technician who installed the pump. The community has also formed a water committee that is managing the well which has shown a lot of community ownership to the project. The well stands to serve clean water to over 170 people who are members of this community.
Anna Timosi, (38 years old) says, “We have worked hard together as a community to make this happen. It was not easy. When they came to see the project, they saw how dry the area is but we have made it happen. It was a big task but together we did it.”
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