Chikando SMAG Income Generating Project
Project Launch: 7-26-17
The Safe Motherhood Action Group (SMAG) at Chikando Rural Health Center is a vital part of the clinic's maternal and child health strategy. SMAG members live and work in Chikando and actively engage the community in health promotion activities. They provide information and resources to their friends and neighbors and connect women and children to necessary health services. Because resources to support outreach activities are extremely limited, they identified the need for an income generating project to support their ongoing efforts. The proposed Chikando SMAG Income Generating Project will consist of two components: a community garden (farm) and chicken coop located on site at the Chikando Rural Health Centre. SMAG members will manage the project in cooperation with health center staff and use the income genrated from the project to fund their ongoing work to improve maternal and child health outcomes in the Chikando community.
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