Chicas Poderosas

Year: 2016
Country: Costa Rica
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $750.00

Project Launch:

Chicas Poderosas is an educational empowerment program for adolescent girls. The camp is comprised of anti-bullying, positive decision-making, life planning, and health modules that are designed to orient and nurture the growth of participants amid the challenges of the teenage years. This project proposes the funding for an itineration of the camp for 20 girls living in Colonia Libertad in rural Costa Rica.

Final Report: 8-7-17

26 girls attended the camp which addressed themes such as self esteem, decision making, professional development, and life planning. Nutrition, establishing positive habits, community mapping, and identity mapping were also covered by this unique enrichment opportunity in order to provide a foundation through which camp participants could better understand and care for themselves and their communities.

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