Camp COCO (Chicas Orgullosas Creando Opportunidades- Proud Girls Creating Opportunities)
Year: 2010
Country: Costa Rica
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
Camp is a well-known concept for many American youth but is often non-existent in the small, rural communities of Costa Rica. In fact, many youth in these communities have not traveled outside of their nearest villages. With a $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program in 2010, Camp COCO (Chicas Orgullosas Creando Opportunidades in Copey y Colorado) gave a group of 5th and 6th grade adolescent girls from the communities of Copey de Dota and Colorado de Biolley their first opportunity to experience camp – meeting new friends, participating in art project, playing games, and learning about nature and the environment, learn about leadership and teamwork, and spend a few days away from home. Camp COCO also promoted the idea that every young girl can make a difference in her community by designing a realistic community service project, thus promoting lifelong leadership, goal setting, and decision making skills. At the end of camp, campers made friendship bracelets and received T-shirts as a way to commemorate their first experiences of camp away from home.Explore other Projects
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