Books n' Brushes
Year: 2011
Country: Peru
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
Emma, a community leader in Pueblo Nuevo de Conta in coastal Peru, like many villagers around the country, knew what her community needed and wanted just the smallest of help from a local Peace Corps volunteer and Kids Connect to carry out her mission. Emma had found usable space in the municipal headquarters for a computer lab and a virtual library. All that was needed was some muscle equity to haul and clean and build and a small stipend for books and shelves and a desk. Secondary school artists would cover the walls in maps of the world and primary and secondary school students would be involved in an art competition for addition mural painting. What better way for students to put their mark on the space? What better community leader than Emma and the local leaders like her.Explore other Projects
Sewing in Monterrey
Costa Rica
The women's group is a cooperative dedicated to the making of uniforms for small businesses, organized groups, students and sports teams that provide products at affordable prices and according to the... ...Learn more