Bay View Academy: Bake Sale and Donut Sale Fundraiser
Spring 2014
The Bay View Academy Kids Connect Chapter decided to try something a little different this year. The Chapter wanted to select and support a project that would motivate and excite the chapter to fundraise and spread awareness about World Connect. We chose to support the project “Reach for the Stars: A Senegalese Community Library.” Coming from an all girl’s school that highly values education, the girls in the chapter wanted to give students an equal chance to learn, read and expand their minds. Supporting a library in Senegal was the perfect project for us. The library at Bay View Academy is a crucial part of our education and we wanted to gives others the same resources to learn. We are so proud of the fundraising we did to raise $715 dollars to be put towards supporting the library!
We held a bake sale during the month of October and were so successful that we decided to sell donuts during the month of May. There is a donut shop near my house, called Allie’s Donuts, which people from all over the state drive to for donuts. The chapter and I decided to have a sale solely of these donuts. We had a great time and are looking forward to next year.
Megan, Club Leader