Raise the Roof!

Year: 2011
Country: Mali
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $490.22

Project Launch:

The leaders of Marembilia's youth group proposed this project. In the community of Marembilia, Mali, there was a three-classroom building, originally intended to be a middle school, which sat closed and unavailable for classes for three years because of its condition of disrepair. Each year, village leaders would submit the necessary paperwork to fill teaching positions in the community, hoping that the government would also finish repairs on the school’s roof by the beginning of the following school year. The village was active in improving the school environment by tree planting in the courtyard and painting a hand-washing mural and a guide on proper well treatment. They did not, however, have the funds to make necessary repairs that would make the school usable. In 2011, the local Marembilia youth group partnered with World Connect to complete a project that involved finishing the school’s roof, constructing a hand washing station at the school, painting murals and performing skits to train students and the village members about AIDS, early marriage and the importance of female attendance at school. The project provided a physical space for community activities and promoted community health, gender development and sexual responsibility.