Mbala Malaria Intervention

Year: 2015
Country: Zambia
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $500.00

Project Launch: 2-16-16

Northern Zambia is plagued by high rates of malaria, with 90% of the population at risk. Working with students and community health workers from nine villages in the Mbala District, this project will implement a Grassroots Soccer program, which uses soccer as a platform for hands-on malaria education. After this initial training, the community health workers will replicate the workshops in their own communities. By training community health workers and educating youth, this project aims to bolster the fight against malaria and spur healthy behavior changes among the next generation.

Project Update: 4/6/16

The 2-day Grassroots Soccer training was a success! 10 health workers, 4 teachers and 65 youth from nine villages in the District participated. Through interactive games, the participants learned about malaria prevention, treatment, and associated myths. The community health workers and teachers received additional training from Mbala District Health Office concerning rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), bed net checks, and malaria among infants. All 79 participates have graduated as “malaria champions”, and are responsible for leading malaria awareness events in their schools and communities to encourage friends and family to sleep under nets and seek treatment quickly.

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