Youth Soccer Team

Year: 2010
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $474.00

Project Launch:

A $474 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program in 2010 helped establish a youth soccer team of young boys in Candelaria, El Salvador. The practices teach the boys new skills to use on the field as well as good leadership and sportsmanship qualities off the field. The boys who have participated are more generous and happy after practice, show a new found attentiveness in school, and interest in helping out with community needs. The goalie of one team even caught the attention of the National Futbol Association and was asked to play for the select team where he will travel all around the country playing the best teams his age. In Candelaria, there is little offered in the form of fun, healthy, and safe after school activities. With the addition of this program, the kids in the community are now receiving an opportunity to grow into better soccer players and better community members.