Move Your Feet

Year: 2011
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $391.00

Project Launch:

Both the girls' and boys' youth groups of Las Pacayas, El Salvador confided to their local Peace Corps Volunteer that they found themselves bored on a regular basis with nothing to do. Girls could often be found watching TV and boys were gathered in the streets in crowds. When the Volunteer pitched the idea of learning new sports, it was met with enthusiastic cheers. With a $391 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, a 3-on-3 basketball court was established as well as a softball camp for local girls. The girls learned the basics of softball and prepared to play other teams in the region. The boys focused on basketball and both efforts encouraged the kids be active, fit, healthy, and engage in positive hobbies.  All of the kids now have something more concrete to do during the day and at night (the proposed court is under a street light).