Learn and Grow Library

Year: 2010
Country: Belize
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00

Project Launch:

The learn and grow library project, supported with $500 from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program in 2009, repaired and renovated a room in the Armenia Village Community Center in Belize to be a library primarily serving the village's 600+ youth. Community members, including children, worked together to repair the library, paint murals of the world and the Armenia Community, and organize and catalogue the library's inventory. Community members were trained as volunteer librarians to assure continuity of the project after the Peace Corps Volunteer in the area left. This library became the first youth-friendly space outside of the school in the village and is now used not only after school hours but also during school hours as a resource for students and teachers. The library provides a lasting positive educational and social opportunity for the children. Dolores, who got involved in the project at age 15 after dropping out of school because her family didn’t have enough money to send her to high school in the city, helped with every task of the renovation, no matter how hard or boring. She cleaned, organized, catalogued, and painted the library, as well as recruited other youth to help. Dolores is now one of two local librarians, working 3 days a week to ensure that the library is sustainable and open for community use.