Eco-Friendly Tire Playgrounds
Project Launch:
This project will build a playground with recycled materials at eight public elementary schools in Bouarfa, Morocco, where there are no playgrounds for young children at schools. Installation of the first playground will be led by the local Peace Corps Volunteer in partnership with a local leader, while the remaining seven playgrounds will be installed, using the first as an example, by leaders and local volunteers from each school.
Project Update
The Eco-friendly Tire Playgrounds Project was a great success! The community of Bouarfa, Morocco has come together to build eight playgrounds at local elementary schools. The project has sparked a great deal of interest across community members from school principals to groundskeepers to local youth who helped wash, install, and paint the equipment. Word is traveling fast to neighboring communities who are eager to build playgrounds at their schools too.
"This playground project has been the most successful and enjoyable part of my Peace Corps service!" - Jane, Peace Corps Volunteer
"One person really can change the world. This is a great project, I would have loved to play here when I went to school here." - Mohamed, Project Leader
"We all play on the cars you built every day!" - Bouchara, 7, Elementary School Student
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