De Patsa a Pacha: Tierra Saludable, Ninos Saludables

Year: 2010
Country: Peru
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $422.00

Project Launch:

Youth ages 6-15 from the community of Huambo Muscho, Peru participated in this project that focused on involving students in the local primary school in planting and maintaining a vegetable garden. Through their participation, the kids became more aware of and concerned for their environment. Local leaders taught the kids nutritious ways to prepare vegetables and healthy hygiene habits. These kids became so involved with the garden at school that they eagerly took their new skills in gardening, cooking, and hygiene home to their families, teaching their siblings and parents healthy habits and nutritious recipes. During the school year, children and professors cultivated high-nutrient plants, including vegetables and traditional high-protein crops such as quinoa, kiwicha and beans, learning earth-friendly methods of fertilizer and insecticides. The new knowledge these kids gained helped them and their families improve quality of life while engaging in interesting and fun activities together. The project provided the kids with a way to become more involved in school and connect with their classmates as well. The kids are spreading their knowledge throughout the community to create a positive, healthy and safe atmosphere in school and at home. De Patsa a Pacha is having a long-lasting effect on the community of Huambo Muscho.