Cacahuatalejo Art Camp and Festival

Year: 2009
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $444.00

Project Launch:

A $444 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids program in 2009 supported the Cacahuatalejo Art Camp and Festival, which gave students in the community an opportunity to learn about and practice many different forms of art, work on a large group World Map Mural Project, and present their art to family and the greater community at a school Art Festival. The camp has provided a meaningful educational experience during the winter break and opened up the world of art to children who have few art supplies, classes, and/or little understanding of the various art mediums. Art education was almost non-existent in this village prior to this grant, due to the lack of funds and training of art teachers. Art activities included drawing, painting, sidewalk chalk art, jewelry making, trash art, recycled paper Christmas cards, God’s eyes and dream catchers, living environmental sculpture, and mural painting. Art Camp provided students with a fun and educational three weeks, helping them find their creative side, and giving them confidence to present their art to family and friends.