Alternates to Calling 911 Rapid Response Teams for Brooklyn, NY

Year: 2023
Country: United States
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $25,000.00

Project Launch: 3-6-23

Equality for Flatbush (E4F) is a Black/POC-led, grassroots organization which does police accountability, affordable housing and anti-gentrification/anti-displacement organizing in Brooklyn, NY especially in the neighborhoods of Crown Heights, Flatbush and East Flatbush.  Their Brooklyn-wide alternative to calling 911 intervention hotline serves as an emotional and jail support resource within the Black Lives Matter movement as well as providing trauma informed mental health triage for activists, families impacted by police murder and the general public. E4F provides alternatives to police interventions during conflicts and personal upheavals including elder abuse, illegal lockouts, and domestic violence and their “Rapid Responder” community interventions have provided the opportunity to aid community members with temporary emergency housing, legal, political and financial support.  E4F also supports people in emotional distress by  sustaining or developing wellness practices, finding therapists and holistic healers or simply providing support, mantras and meditations to get their community through the day.  E4F uses a trauma-informed approach to supporting community members, ensuring that they get the stability and resources that they need.